The month of April has arrived!
The Focus Foundation has been busy and is very excited to share some fun facts, news and interesting happenings with you all.
April Fool’s Day
April 1, 2022
The Focus Foundation has some exciting new research, and this is no April Fools joke! The scientific journal Genetics in Medicine just published our newest article “A longitudinal perspective of hormone replacement therapies (HRTs) on neuromotor capabilities in males with 47,XXY (Klinefelter syndrome).” This is the first study to show the beneficial longitudinal effects of early hormonal treatment (EHT) on boys with 47,XXY and neurodevelopment. The findings in this paper will be very useful for clinicians for many years to come, and we could not have done it without the help from our families. We are so, so grateful for all our participants who give others hope for a more promising tomorrow. Looking forward for what’s to come! ⬇️
National Autism Acceptance Month
April 1 – 30, 2022
In 1970, the Autism Society launched an ongoing nationwide effort to promote autism awareness and assure that all affected by autism are able to achieve the highest quality of life possible. In 1972, the Autism Society launched the first annual National Autistic Children’s week, which evolved into Autism Acceptance Month (AAM). This April, we continue our efforts to spread awareness, promote acceptance, and ignite change.
The Autism Society of America, the nation’s oldest leading grassroots autism organization, is proud to celebrate Autism Acceptance Month in April 2021 with its “Celebrate Differences” campaign. Designed to build a better awareness of the signs, symptoms, and realities of autism, #CelebrateDifferences focuses on providing information and resources for communities to be more aware of autism, promote acceptance, and be more inclusive in everyday life.
The Autism Society recognizes that the prevalence of autism in the United States has risen from 1 in 125 children in 2010 to 1 in 54 in 2020 – recognizing this continued increase, the goal for AAM is to further increase awareness about autism signs, symptoms and opportunities through: information and referrals, events, printable and digital resources, and community partnerships with businesses and organizations dedicated to building inclusive experiences.
The Autism Society has a variety of resources designed to inform and encourage communities to celebrate differences, and become more inclusive of individuals with autism. The campaign will overlap with World Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd, and continue throughout the month.
Read about our shift from “Autism Awareness Month” to “Autism Acceptance Month” below. You can also visit our Autism Acceptance Month website as well. ⬇…/national-autism…/
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