The Focus Foundation is the first and only research-based non-profit foundation exclusively dedicated to identifying and helping children who have X & Y Chromosomal Variations, Dyslexia, Developmental Dyspraxia. The X & Y Variations include 47, XXY OR Klinefelter Syndrome, 47, XYY (Jacob’s Syndrome) , 47, XXX (Triple X).
There are several variant disorders which include Tetrasomy X, Pentasomy X, 49, XXXX, 48, XXXY, 48, XXYY, and 49, XXXXY. Although Physicians, ancillary health care providers and Physical and Occupational Therapists as well as Speech and Language Pathologists are taught that genetic abnormalities typically impact on a child’s neurodevelopmental progression, practitioners often receive insufficient information about X and Y chromosomal disorders or information may be outdated or inaccurate.
The Focus Foundation’s research efforts are committed to educating health professionals throughout the world regarding X and Y Chromosomal Variations, dyslexia and developmental dyspraxia. All three disorders are common but rarely identified and early treatment promotes recovery and optimal development. Therefore, identifying and treating these children is very important for them and their families.
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