With as many as 1 in 900 girls having 47, XXX, millions of affected girls are undiagnosed.
There is equal distribution of 47, XXX across all racial and socio-economic groups.
More than 750,000 people are believed to have X & Y chromosomal aneuploidies in the United States alone.
Girls that are prenatally diagnosed and receive early intervention service typically present with fewer and less severe cognitive disabilities.
47, XXX girls are typically in the highest height percentiles for their respective age groups.
Girls consistently present with language-based learning disabilities and motor planning issues that are related to the high rates of dyspraxia and dyslexia associated with the disorder.
In the majority of cases the primary cause for dyslexia and dyspraxia is unknown, however 47, XXX may be the root for many of these girls’ deficits.
· Girls with 47, XXX have an increased incidence of anxiety, suspected to present as early as 7 years of age with some showing signs of anxiety disorders as young as preschool.