National Dog Day was on August 26th! Continue to celebrate and appreciate canine companions of all shapes and sizes all year long.
Humans and dogs share a special bond. These furry friends have been our companions for centuries. Do you or someone you know share a special connection with a doggy friend?
Did you know?
The first animals to be domesticated by humans were dogs. Over time, ancient humans and ancient canines or dogs continued to bond, hunt, herd, travel, and play together.
Whether you have a dog of your own or simply appreciate the special bond between people and pups, the Smithsonian‘s collections are full of images, objects, and history that pay homage to our unique connection.
Life would not feel complete without a faithful dog companion standing by our side or sitting at our feet. Take a look at highlights from the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery collection of paintings and photographs with famous figures their dear dogs.
Dogs have become such a big part of our lives that we can still see their impact in many parts of human life. Canines have even been trained to help humans such as with search and rescue teams, police K9 teams, and service dogs. Our furry friends also continue to be featured in books, TV, movies, music, art, food, and more! Where have you noticed a dog lately?
The Focus Foundation received this note from one of our families:
“I wanted to share that the best thing I did for my son recently was get a dog. This dog has been a lifesaver! The dog has provided a means for my son to get to meet other people and feel less anxious. He also feels less lonely and has a stronger sense of purpose, as he is largely responsible for the care of the dog.”
Do you have a special bond with a dog? Do you agree our furry friends are a comfort to young and old? Although National Dog Day has already passed you can still show how much you care for dogs every day.
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